Preparing for a Life of Epic Adventure (Travel optional)
View from the rooftop of my hostel in Varanasi, India, overlooking the Ganga River—my open-air “bedroom” for two months
I'm currently preparing for a major journey to Central America in late February where I plan to stay for about six months -- the pieces are gradually coming together, but the thing itself scares me half to death.
I don't think it's necessary to travel outside of your town or country for a life of epic adventure, but it does require a certain amount of preparation, and a different way of looking at the world than usual. I honestly haven't done enough of this kind of thing in my life recently, but when I have it's been amazing to witness the serendipitous moments of synchronicity unfolding.
Lots of joy in those moments...
I'll be working while I'm there, writing and producing large-scale events and projects online and in real life, and running my tiny interactive media agency. I plan to stay in budget hotels, cabanas and communities for longer periods of time, where I can connect reliably to the internet and also maintain a good quality of life. I will continue to share a good deal of my experience with you here.
There's a lot of small details to handle before a trip like this -- especially since I've been living in one place for the better part of the last three years (aside from occasional visits to the Los Angeles area) -- but the major part is getting super clear about what my intention is.
Here I share with you some very specific details about my approach to preparing for an adventure like this -- what I know, and what I don't -- in hopes that it will spark some interesting reflections for your own approach to life.
I know this:
I will be flying in to Guatemala and staying in a small town along one of the most beautiful lakes in the world for about 4-6 weeks most likely. From Guatemala I plan to travel over land to Costa Rica (via El Salvador and Nicaragua), and spend the bulk of my time there.
I want to try a different way of living -- one that isn't wrapped in any of the false socio-cultural frameworks we've been programmed to believe are important in this world.
I will be seeking out people and circumstances outside of these traditional social frameworks, such as intentional communities, individuals and organizations focused on strengthening autonomy and self-determination of the individual and collective.
I'm taking a very different approach to my work -- everything I do should be optimized to enable the most effective outcome possible, in the most efficient way possible. Several people will be working with me from the U.S. to enable me to focus better on my strengths and continue the flow on existing client projects. It also means I'm surrendering to certain aspects of my character that pull towards a more unfettered and free way of living.
I will try my best to not "optimize my productivity" while not working (this is a significant element). Time off should be spent doing little to nothing of supposed importance -- like meandering through town, reading fiction, floating aimlessly in the ocean, meeting new people, joining spontaneous dance parties, etc.. This is so often where the real magic happens.
I plan to have occasional periods of unplugging completely to reset my personal operating system. This is totally doable with the right preparation, and adds so much depth and joy to my work.
My income while traveling will come from projects I am actively working in through Fierce Wisdom and my business, as well as my healing and personal advising work. I will not be living off of residual income streams or investment accounts while I'm away. I hope that this helps you also see that this way of life is not out of reach for you, if you want it.
I've consulted with my astrologer about this part of the world -- and my overall outlook for this year -- and it looks pretty good over all. It should be a major time of adventure, excitement, and personal growth.
I don't know:
I have no idea what to expect when I get there. I prefer to do the minimal amount of research possible to allow for my own personal experience, and to learn by doing.
No idea what I will do every day. I'm sure I will be doing some kind of writing and work on most days, but that's about it. I will follow a conscious path of encouraging serendipity and synchronicity, and planning for the unexpected. I've found this is the best way to really enjoy your life and adventures, no matter where you are.
Where I will end up. I have no clue.
How long I will end up staying. I have the vague idea it's six months in Central America, but I really don't know. I may decide to come back early, or I may end up deciding to fly out to Timbuktu. The point is, I should be able to work wherever I want to, as long as I can get on the internet. I have only a one-way ticket as of now.
I still need to do this:
Lock down some of the practical stuff before leaving (practical and administrative tasks are often the killers for me).
Put myself in the shoes of myself when I land there in less than a month, and see what I might be forgetting.
Look long and hard at what I'm creating in the world, and be sure that every step I make is imbued with absolute integrity (I try to do this every day -- I don't know why it's so hard to really look at what you're doing well and what you're not some times!)
Make sure all my tools and equipments are ready -- both spiritual and physical. The amount of preparation required for this is huge. Also, I had no idea until now, but Central America is actually considered the most dangerous region in the world, with insane homicide rates. Preparation is essential.
Get razor sharp clarity on my biggest intentions for this visit overall, and my vision for myself six months down the line.
What I believe to be true for anyone:
You don't need to go anywhere to live a life of travel and adventure. For the last 2.5 years I spent most of my time in a small town in Southern Oregon (Ashland), and actually had an amazing crazy journey. I think the key ingredient is planning for fun and adventure (and not living a life that you intrinsically dislike). That means doing everything you can to quit a crappy job you hate -- even if you're stuck in the debt cycle, or have a family to feed -- and live a life that you can be proud of.
Passion alone is not enough, but combined with some smarts and a lot of support I believe you can accomplish just about anything you set out to do. If you want to live a really exciting life, just make your life exciting to you, right? Push your edges and turn your life into an epic journey -- or a quest to discover and retrieve something really special to you. It's all in how you approach it.
For me, the quest is to live a life that's truly exciting and enlivening -- where worry and fear are a distant memory, and every moment is alive with possibility and hope. I want to taste the universal energy flow in the back of my throat, with every breath. I want to live a life in which every day is better than the last -- to wake up in total peace, with the deep lasting knowing that all is unfolding exactly as it should.
I know I can have all this now in theory -- and oftentimes I feel I do -- but I also know that some things will need a drastic change of environment in order to allow for the space for my personal reprogramming.
There's intention, and then there's action. You don't have to travel to live a life of epic adventure, but you can hold the intention for that, and keep yourself prepared for it. It helps me to do this every day.
I wrote this primarily as a practice for myself to get clear on what I'm planning and why, and because I'm tracking my own journey as part of the preparations for a very special group project I will be launching from Central America. If you're interested you can go here to learn more, and join the small exploratory team forming around this work: The Hero's Journey Project
If you got something out of this, please share it with someone who needs to read it. Thanks for your support!