UPDATED: Oil Spill Action Resource Page (Uniting in Response)
UPDATE: Click the image to join in signing the declaration-->
- I added several key articles and resource links to this post today, plus more responses and ideas from friends via the newsletter. Please feel free to add any additional links and relevant resources in the comments as well -- much love, Satya
I was battling my emotions a while over this whole gulf oil spill disaster. Then I decided to take action, and make a short video in reaction. It was simple to know what to do with it (and to just get it done last Saturday afternoon) though it was a bit painful to go through the process.
The hardest part of bearing witness to this kind of disaster, is the feeling of helplessness, and not knowing what to do. Therefore, this page (post) is meant as a resource for those wishing to take action.
It's starting small, with just some of what I have access to now, and will build gradually. I will add to it as more viable approaches come to my knowledge and awareness. (Done my best on this so far, counting on you to tell me what i'm missing) Will also add some more of my suggestions, and more of my favorite comment responses in a special action resource section in this post. SEE Resource section added below. I believe in the philosophy of just starting where you are, with what you have, and building from there, brick by brick...
Here is where I started, creating this video:
The reaction and comments from friends after posting on Facebook was strengthening and reassuring, and the piece was shared widely. Mostly, I felt a little better doing something, and having some kind of impact, facing up to the ugly truth for what it was.
The best part was the reactions, and the additions to the conversation though. It was strengthening to see the outrage, and also the positive suggestions. The worst part of being witness to a disaster like this is the feeling of powerlessness.
It inspired me to put together this blog post for people wanting to do something -- a response resource of sorts -- for people wanting to help make a difference.
If you have any comments or thoughts on how to take positive, conscious action to fix and support the resolution of this mess, please add them to the comments below.
Selected Resources and Information:
This is ever-evolving. Please add your links to the comments, or send me an email.
Melissa @ Peace and Projects: Crude Awakening: 14 Ways to Reduce Oil Dependency
Everett @ Far Beyond the Stars: How You Can Actually Help With the Gulf Oil Spill (but probably won’t)
Danielle @ White Hot Truth: The Manifesto of Encouragement (a positive message, not directly oil spill related, but empowering and made me feel good - add your own...)
Mark Morford @ San Francisco Chronicle: Behold our Dark, Magnificent Horror
NY TIMES: Oil Spill Coverage Page (most extensive overall in-depth coverage)
Gulf Declaration: Petition to End the Era of Oil
WKRG: Live Oil Spill Cam
Warning: this video might make you really really mad, all over again... Knocked me out when I watched it --
Comments, Responses, Calls to Action:
Here are some of the comments and calls to action from friends on Facebook: (comments sent via email will be added shortly) see below for additional responses...
As I was watching this it brought me to tears. This is so devastating. Last night my son and I were lying in his bed talking about how we can help the ocean, the animals, the land and the people. We want to do something to help but it is so big it is hard to think of how!! We all are baring witness to these unimaginable events. I am holding space... See More for a miracle of miracle to fall upon our mother earth. For her to be cleansed of these tragedies. Thank you for making this it is very moving and it opens my heart. - Heather
Thank you Satya....a very powerful video for us! Huge crisis at hand.....holding this space of love for everyone involved....holding space and healing so that we can see the gift in this on how the urgency of the shift of our dependence on petroleum......it's time to let go of our old ways.....Mother Gaia is making it loud and clear....how can we all make these changes together....sending love to all! - Antoinette
Debbie Piece and I decided to decree this whole situation. You can check out more of what we are up to @ http://www.rosegoddessbliss.com/decree-your-world/ One individual who lives and vibrates to the energy of pure love and reverence for all life will counterbalance the negativity of 750,000 individuals who calibrate at the lower weakening levels. ...So I decree, "“I decree purity and perfection and cleanliness in the Gulf of Mexico and all surrounding areas. I declare all life in this area is healthy and thriving. I demand all manifestations and actions which are not in the divine plan be dissolved into their native nothingness. And so it is! Amen!” - Therese
I just don't get it... Why aren't there 10,000 of our naval and marine troupes vacuuming, dabbing, etc., catching oil from reaching the marshland? Why hasn't England stepped in and offered to help? Why hasn't the other American oil companies offered to help? Why are there a few hundred local people wiping single blades of grass with a 5" x 5" napkin? :-/ - Joey
You got a point Joey, we are all saddened and hopefully praying, what about calling and writing our elected officials and newspaper editors with the questions Joey raised. I just wrote the public editor at the NYTimes, everyone one concerned should take some action beyond tears and prayer. Drive less, eat less trucked in food......... Thanks Satya - James
I truly believe that with the firm commitment in our hearts to take action to heal the world and come from a place of our highest personal power -- ALL things are possible, even reversing the most horrid catastrophes. All the suggestions and the truths shared here are powerful beyond compare, and WILL make a difference. Please do what your heart calls you to do; those of us who are called to take action to make this world a better place every day, it's time to UP OUR GAME to a whole 'nother level.
...Let's take this as a call to action, and really operate from the highest level of truth and action in our lives in EVERY MOMENT.
Here are some of the comments from the community in response to my newsletter:
My heart is breaking every moment of the day over what is going on in the Gulf, I am burning candles and praying SOS to the universe every day. Is this what it is like to be a third world country? Big corps come along and destroy your eco system and the only thing they lament is their stock price fluctuation? Isn't this what American corps having being doing all over the globe for half a century? Is this our chickens come home to roost? Is this our Karma? How much longer will it go on? Why should the animals have to pay? Please make it stop! These are the things I want to scream, but there is no one to scream at.
Bless you. Xox Tara
I was involved in emergency response for years before I "retired" and very few folks ever think about the "what if's" in their own lives...we seem to behave as if nothing scary will ever happen. I fully believe in being positive, I believe that our intention can change the world, I believe in the collective power of our good will to make an impact - but, it would not occur to me to not have a fire extinguisher in my kitchen (first purchased when I was homeschooling my daughter who wanted to learn chemistry) or some supplies in case of an earthquake (I live in California), or plans for family in case of some crisis.... I think that we have to spend a little time thinking about consequences --- and understand that we are all responsible for this mess....I am hoping that this can really change the focus we have, help us understand that we have gone from my grandparent's generation of working hard, and making do to some out of control, crazy, I need it all mentality that is killing our earth.... and that a very few changes don't hurt too much and can make a huge difference.
My other thought is that I too have seen very few people cleaning up the beaches along the Gulf - there are millions of people out of work in this country (and I am one of them) - the resorts are empty because people are afraid and canceling their reservations - lots of folks are looking for work that isn't there - couldn't we hook those folks up, and train them to clean the beaches? Sure, it would be a logistical nightmare, but we have the resources, the people, the empty hotels for them to stay in, the caterers who have no one to cook for, couldn't we make it happen? There were times when my training made me think outside the normal channels for solutions because sometimes the crisis was too big - or something that was so dire we hadn't planned for it --- and often, the answers were the simple ones -- just do it! - Beth
Sending you a message of love and peace, and encouragement to take conscious inspired action in this life!
Please share your thoughts, suggestions, comments, reactions in the comments, and share this post with your friends on facebook, twitter, email and other places with the links below.
In Love and Truth, - Satya