Writing Wild and Getting Vulnerable
Just me—having an americano in Asheville, NC, before I switched to Matcha. Cheers to you!
This is a hard message for me to write, because it's so vulnerable. You see, true vulnerability has been my Achilles heel—the thing I've kept hidden away for most of my life. It's scary to be seen and to be real; to be judged and face rejection or worse, to be ignored. I've done everything I could to avoid the shame and disappointment of these experiences.
Sometimes the scariest part about speaking my truth is actually being heard and seen and received, though, because then there is no hiding!! Can you relate to this?
Here's the thing, though: if you don't speak your truth and tell your story, it's just going to eat you up inside and make your life miserable. It needs to get out, to be seen and heard so that other people can also be inspired on their journey to wholeness and authentic self-expression. Because we're all feeling the same things!
That's a big part of why I put together this very special program called Writing Wild: so you can find your voice and free your creative soul. You'll learn more about that in a moment below, but before we get there I just need to complete my vulnerable moment here... :)
Lately I've been working with my own vulnerability and noticing how I've not only held myself back from connecting authentically with other people for years, I've also held myself back from connecting with my own self! I was really fixated on presenting a packaged image of myself that would be likable and accepted—with just barely enough real insight to be relatable.
Sure I would stretch myself occasionally, but when I did share something more real and vulnerable I was obsessed with what everyone thought. It tortured me and made me feel incredibly uncomfortable. I instantly wanted to delete it (and I often would, especially if the reactions I got were not to my liking, or worse, I was ignored in my vulnerability).
I've been working with an expert coach recently and she's helped me a lot to see this pattern, inspiring me to work with different energies around being real and vulnerable, and being seen (mostly old fears). Once I broke through that wall I was able to feel parts of myself returning into the wholeness of my body, so I could feel myself again.
Through writing my new book (coming soon!) and working with my coach I was opened up to really be present with this tendency—not only through the process of opening up in the writing itself, but because now that I'm preparing to start sharing this more widely it feels like the chickens are coming home to roost!
I've been striving to really love and appreciate myself as I am for a long time, but the real beauty has been how this has opened me up at the heart level. I've been able to really see how I can use my gifts and passions to serve others at a much deeper level, in a way I've never done before.
I'm taking courage in knowing that it's not about me, it's about the bigger picture; the calling and flow of Source that's moved through me to bring this work into the world. As I learn to trust that more, I can allow myself to get out of my own way too, enabling my creative spirit to shine and flow so I can actually be of service—putting my gifts and callings to good use.
That feels really good. Because it's not about me, it's about working towards something bigger than me. And that's what makes me feel really alive and happy; fulfilled and at peace in my soul.
I'm pretty sure that if you're able to trust find your voice, trust the flow and allow yourself to be fully, authentically seen it will make you feel that way too, which is why I created this program. So without further ado, let me introduce you to...
Find Your Voice; Tell Your Story; Ignite Your Creative Flow
Inside of you is a story that’s waiting to be set free and shared with the world, one that will let them see you for who you really are. Maybe you’ve been telling yourself you don’t have the time or space to become the writer you know you are inside. Maybe you just don’t know where to start, or you’re afraid of being judged or misunderstood for sharing your truth. The problem is, when you don’t share your truth, your blocked creativity affects your emotional and physical well-being and even your mental health. You can feel it eating away at you from the inside, just waiting for the opportunity to come out.
Writing Wild is a eight week program that guides you step-by-step through the process of unblocking your creativity and prioritizing you and your unique story so you can step out of the shadows and walk the path of your true life purpose. You can find your voice and heal yourself at the same time.
Here’s what you’ll do in Writing Wild:
Get clear on what lights you up inside and what you truly want so you know what to focus on, even if you’ve been afraid to claim it.
Learn what makes a compelling story and how to bridge your own life experience into content that moves and inspires and transforms others.
Release blocks and inhibitions around self-doubt, shame, judgement, and the fear of being seen, so you can finally be free to tell your story.
Learn how to focus your energy and eliminate distractions, giving you more time and space to pursue your true goals of creative expression.
Be inspired to sit down and write in a way that works for you instead of forcing yourself to reach a daily word count or time commitment.
Lessen your stress and overwhelm—putting your burdens down on paper helps lighten their load on you as well.
Learn how to trust your inner guidance and summon your muse so you know what direction to take those times when you inevitably hit a creative block or lose your way.
Does this sound like something your heart has been quietly yearning for a long time, without you even realizing it?
If you’re ready to light up your heart and set your creative soul free in the place where writing meets healing, click here to learn more and schedule a no-pressure call so we can see if this is a good match for both of us. (And if you’re unable to find a time that works for you there, just click reply to let me know so we can find one that does!)