Your Guiding Light

I'd like to know: what's your guiding light?

For more than ten years I've dedicated myself to being of service to society, guiding others through healing and personal transformation (you could say I've been a guiding light for people on their journey). One of my most essential discoveries along the way has been the importance of finding our guiding light, the higher purpose of our soul in this life. It's one of the things I've taught the most.

When you have a reason for being, there's just so much more to live for—it's an anchor for weathering the stormiest seas (like the holidays with family can sometimes feel). This is key, because it's what helps us through the darkest nights.

At this significant time of the solstice—the changing from dark to light in the northern hemisphere, or light to dark for those south of the equator—I hope to inspire you in strengthening your own guiding light; the inner luminosity that can carry you through the holidays and into the new year.

In order to facilitate this, I'll share my own briefly, then pose a couple questions for you to consider yourself.

My guiding light:

The transformation of our world into one that's characterized by loving, compassionate, interconnected humans living sustainably in union with each other and the land.

My approach:

To teach people how to know who they are, the strength and resilience, the infinite wisdom and beauty of that. Moving beyond the struggle to survive as a sensitive human on earth, into thriving on the path of your true soul callings.

Why it matters:

We deserve to be SOOO happy, so alive and filled with life. We need to work on building our life force, so that we have more strength and vitality, more hunger for life—the appetite and the drive to go after our soul's desire. If more of us had this deep happiness and commitment in their lives, the world would be a much more peaceful and just place.

How we do this:

Through developing a better relationship with ourselves and our shadow (the wounded aspect of that is usually repressed or ignored). Healing, releasing trauma and other negative emotional energies, integrating our vast life experience into a singular wholeness in the ever-present moment. Grabbing a hold of what we truly want, what we're here to create and experience in this life, and pursuing that with all our heart, our full lifeforce—a considerable force of energy for someone who's sufficiently healed and soul-embodied.

This is what I’m here to create in this life: to support the transformation of society through this work, in service.

What I've been developing all these years is a truly transformational path to empowerment—a method that is both fully accessible and fantastically effective—sparking the transformation that you seek, through embodying the greater mission of your existence. Ultimately to uplift humanity, in support of our higher evolution.

Now you: What's your guiding light?

What's keeping you going these days?

What are you most grateful for today?

What's your soul calling you to create and express right now, that you've been ignoring?

These are just a few questions to get you going. If you can reflect on these not just once, but on a regular basis, I have no doubt that you will find your guiding light. Free writing, journal style, will reveal more of your innate wisdom to yourself than possibly anything else can.

Holidays can be challenging for everyone. On your journeys through this time, I encourage you to cultivate the light of com-passion in your heart. After all, we're all doing our best with what we have available to us.

Keep your light shining!

With love,


In early 2012, at the start of my journey as a location-independent digital nomad, I published an article about embodying the energy of a light warrior. It's reminded me of a couple key things—namely my first live workshop that incorporated breathwork and energy healing was more than ten years go (I'd totally forgotten about that one!). And, yes, my mission has remained consistent over all these years. I thought it would be appropriate for this time: Seven Principles of the Warrior of Light (First Dispatch from Guatemala)

I currently have just a few spots open for my personal transformation mentorship, or for those who have a book in you: transformational writing coaching. This is the deepest level work I've ever offered, I am honestly astounded at the results my clients are experiencing. You can learn more and book a connection call with me here.