The 7 Systems of Cultural Control: How to Reclaim Your Freedom From the Matrix
Wildflower essence of Anemone multifida in New Mexico.
It is clear that our modern world is falling apart. The systems of control of the establishment matrix are no longer working. There is so much evidence for this everywhere — in our healthcare, in our schools, in the levels of violent crime around the world.
The world may have paused for a temporary hiatus during the Covid crisis, but instead of going back to business as usual we have entered an unprecedented time of opportunity. We now have the opportunity to take back control of the systems of control used by the established matrix to free ourselves and choose our own way of living.
Society needs us - we need us. (You and I need us!!!) It is time to take back our power around these seven central systems used to control and manipulate us in modern society. This may not be easy to swallow, but it is 100% the truth:
Until we take back our power around these mechanisms, we cannot evolve into the next level of our new Earth. This is how we will overcome the biggest challenges of our time.
Here is how to take back your power around the seven primary systems of cultural control used by the mainstream establishment matrix.
Education ~ Free Your Mind
It is a well known fact that modern systems of education are designed to make us productive workforce cogs. Sitting at a desk for 8 hours a day and being forced to submit to memorization of facts and figures, being tested and graded, filling your mind with nonsense in lieu of your true fundamental need to explore and engage with the world around you.
How and why is this still acceptable?? Because you are allowing your children to take part in it. Because it is convenient and in the best interests of everyone. Sorry, that is just not the truth.…
Consider taking your kids out of the public school system where the establishment matrix is running in full force to break young spirits and embed the principles of subservience, competition, fear and scarcity. Homeschool, unschool, bring them into alternative schools that teach interdependence and self-directed curriculum. This is a huge responsibility — you can make it happen!
Higher education and “Liberal Arts” is based on ancient elitist principles that do not apply to reality in the modern world. Nor are they particularly helpful beyond possibly helping you get sucked into a “good job” in the mainstream establishment. These institutions are great at funding themselves and the banks, while keeping people in debt to the establishment so that you cannot get out unless you default and become a “lesser citizen.” The prison of debt starts with our education system.
Heal and release the Limitation and Control energies you have internalized from these systems of education. Release your beliefs around the need to compromise your true desires. You alone can free your mind and soul!
There are so many opportunities for learning new skills, up-leveling your spiritual practice through meditation and energy healing, expanding your mind and relearning how to live in the world. These are available in low cost or free online courses, but also in real life.
But be mindful and limit your exposure to this individuals and institutions who are deeply embedded in mainstream establishment culture. Whether they are aware or not, they are feeding you poison.
Media and Communications ~ Step Away From the Screen
Your body is your temple — your being is a sacred space.
We must avoid advertising, marketing and media as much as possible. These things desensitize us to the magic and wonder of existence. The violence and overstimulation of modern media literally overwhelms the senses and nervous system. So the nervous system shuts down in order to cope - with the real result that your senses are numbed.
When we experience fictional depictions on the screens, we experience them as reality in our bodies on so many levels. You are what you consume - do not allow this senselessness to become your reality. You do not need to participate in anything that offends your heart.
Stop consuming and binging on Netflix, Amazon and all TV. Do not watch the news or any network TV programming that requires you be unwilling subject to advertising. You will survive without the news! You can always use modern tools to consume only the news you wish when you do it in written format you minimize the access of these tools to your personal psyche.
Limit your Facebook and all “social media” - it is infinitely more satisfying and nourishing to connect directly with the people you love and care about! Call them on the phone, zoom with them, text them and check in. The way it is used these days, social media could well be called anti-social media.
Put down your smartphone! Keep it out of site when you are in meetings or true social gatherings. Monitor your daily usage and shut off the internet at night. Airplane mode is your friend!! Notifications silenced on all devices = golden joy.
For those who use these tools for your business, please look at what you are a part of and what you are contributing to , and choose to share with the intention to manipulate or produce an outcome that serves you, but for an outcome that serves everyone.
Take responsibility for being in your own highest integrity. Email is always a cleaner and more direct way of sharing your message — with those who have specifically chosen to receive it. They want to hear from you, or else they would not be on your list. And let them opt out when they want to.
No apologies needed for sharing your highest truth and being in integrity— ever!
Commerce and Finance ~ Take Your Money and Your Power Back!
Learn to fill the emptiness from separation imposed by a lifetime of matrix programming with love and healing energy. Stop buying to fulfill the sadness in your heart!
Whatever you buy for that temporary hit of dopamine satisfaction will never replace the power of being anchored in the incredibly vast, ineffably-magical truth of who you are.
Buy only what you need from artisans and smaller independent businesses. Buy local when possible. Consider that even if you are paying a small premium, you are helping people and the environment - you are helping your community. That is a huge satisfaction.
Buy gently used items through Craigslist or other marketplaces, or even your own friends network - many people have things you need that they aren't using anymore and would gladly give you!
STOP shopping at Amazon!! “Prime” is far from being prime — it is simply every possible tool of control in the name of convenience and entertainment you could possibly ever need, wrapped in an aura of privilege to make you feel special. (None of which you actually need.) I repeat: You DO NOT need it. The majority of Amazon prices have the shipping costs baked in. Hence you can always find the same or even better quality goods direct from the producer or another distributor and often for less cost.
Most retailers are now offering free shipping with low or in some cases no minimum purchase requirement. If you can buy the product you can pay for the shipping!! Especially if you are helping support a company you believe in. If your city has a Whole Foods Market (now owned by Amazon), I can almost guarantee they have an alternative market with better quality food and fair prices that support the local economy.
Take your money and investments out of big banks and corporations. Sustainable and responsible-business Mutual Funds outperform the general market in many cases.
Use cash as currency over credit when possible, or find other currencies to trade with such as Bitcoin, or ceate your own currency for the communities you live and operate in. Trade for goods and services. Invest in micro-business and in your own dreams instead — you can have a far higher rate of return on your own inventions and creations than any standard investment or savings returns.
Don’t let them take away your home or other assets, but as much as possible do not allow yourself to be a slave to the banks. If you are in over your ears and suffering you have the right to declare bankruptcy or just default. It will not signal the end of the world. You can rebuild in a matter of years when it is all erased from your credit history by law. That is your right - to my knowledge there are no countries in which you can be imprisoned for your debt in the world.
Use your money for good in the world! You can donate to organizations that are empowering others and supporting the Earth and animals. Or create your own non-profit organization to transfer resources as needed and change the world — then contribute to that.
Drugs and Alcohol ~ Numbing the Pain Just Dumbs You Down
If your emotions, memories, PTSD or other traumas are too great for you to be able to be a “productive member of society” right now, perhaps you need a break until you can find more healthy ways of coping. Find ways to be LESS productive and more GRACE-full so you can heal yourself. This is one of the greatest joys there is.
Therapy comes in so many forms, it doesn’t require a psychotherapist or fancy healer to rescue you — you can heal yourself! At times there is a place for all these things, but prescription meds should be the very last resort. Not the end-all or first place to turn.
Not to mention: You need to feel to heal. True strength is in your emotional resilience — being able to feel it all, allow it to ravish you then choose love and get back up again.
The kind of multi-sensory experience of love that is possible is beyond most of our wildest dreams. This comes through accessing the well of infinite love that resides inside you! Anyone can learn and experience this through meditation and spiritual practice.
Notice the numbing effects of mind-altering drugs and alcohol, and decide you want to feel again. Feeling your emotions is the greatest gift of the human experience. Use sacred plant medicine wisely and in moderation. Sometimes the smallest possible dose is the most effective one.
If you require any substance to feel good and “yourself” you are giving your control away to that substance. That is the road to addiction which makes you someone who is easily controlled.
True Love is the greatest medicine. A life of grace and gratitude awaits.
Corporations and Capitalist Culture ~ Create Your Own Currencies of Value
Capitalist culture has taken the true life out of humanity and made people believe that their value is based on their productivity, wealth and “success.” Nothing could be farther from the truth!! As someone wise once said: (and I paraphrase badly) To judge your own success in the eyes of a mad society is madness.
We must rebuild our cultures based on values of mutual appreciation and opportunity. Competition is the antithesis of love. We must remove these ancient beliefs of scarcity, fear and competing for resources that lead us into a zero-sum game.
Everyone can win when we start to think outside of our own selfish needs and start to serve the larger societies we live in!
Start your own business based on the true calling of your soul and your natural gifts. Or join a friend or colleague who is already doing it if you align with them on a soul level! We are all geniuses in our own right. You may have just not yet identified your own unique genius.
When you get to decide the terms by which you operate, you get to contribute to changing the entire fabric of culture we operate in.
Food and Water ~ It Tastes Better When It’s Not From a Package
Food and water are ground zero for matrix control. We are so disconnected from the Earth who produces it that we believe we must buy everything in neat and shiny packaged portions from the store.
People we need to stop eating packaged everything! You can make your own bread, cakes and crackers from flour, you can make your own potato chips from fresh potatoes! You can start eating fresh crunchy veggies with delicious dips that satisfy your cravings in lieu of all the snacks. You can stock your pantry with bulk grains, nuts, dried fruit, coffee, tea and spices at higher quality and better prices. Or grow your own!
Artificial colors are known to be especially toxic, as are preservatives which are proven to accelerate colon cancer and other diseases. It has gotten so dire that the FDA actually issued a health warning about this in recent years with regards to processed meats.
Snack foods are currently more popular than ever before, and all the packaging is creating enormous unnecessary waste with large net impact. This is creating huge cost on all levels - not only environmental but on the individual economic level.
Instead of feeding your body white sugar, fried and refined grains — bleached foods that have been stripped of their nutritious value — give yourself nourishing tonics, savory broths and fresh fruits.
You may feel snacky but what your body is craving is real nourishment! Why not go ahead and give it that? This is your life you are holding in your hands.
Grow your own medicinal herbs and veggies. Starting a garden is wonderful therapy, saves you money and helps the environment too. Replacing your green manicured lawn with local plants will save water and also bring local birds and bees to feast as well.
Make your own tonics, tinctures and herbal medicines - this is incredibly easy to do and so much cheaper than buying all the pills and medicines at the store. Try and avoid the GMO and conventionally produced produced when possible.
Stop buying bottled water. These companies are draining our aquifers and filling the oceans with more plastic. Beware of chlorinated and fluoridated, chemically-laden tap water with runoff from industrial waste, toxic fertilizers and nuclear energy.
You can refill large bottles from RO-filtered water sources, or install these in your home yourself. If you have mountains nearby you, go to the source! Away from the cities where there are actual water tables of pristine clear water beneath the ground you can often find these springs or a public or private well to get it yourself.
Healthcare and Wellness: Your Life Is In Your Hands
Despite having the best technology and most advanced medicine in history, we have the highest rates of illness, heart disease and cancer ever seen. Why is that?? Because sickness is profitable to the establishment matrix, and a wonderful tool of control.
Modern conventional medicine is great at saving lives, and keeping people alive when they would otherwise be dead. So yes we have longer life spaces than before, but that is because dead people are not profitable — sick people are.
Conventional medicine is great for saving your life in an accident, or keeping you barely alive, but it does not treat the root cause of most illnesses.
A healthy lifestyle, healing your energetic and emotional bodies, and taking care of your heart by giving it the deep nourishment you crave — these are what will keep you healthy. This is not rocket science! Give more love and open to receive more, do more of what you want, release the limitation energies of control, work with your DNA to restructure and heal, learn breathwork and meditation techniques to calm the nerves and being repairing the lifetime of repression, trauma, fight-or-flight response and false belief systems you have incorporated into the very fabric of your being.
You can do this. It takes time, but it is so worth it!
Sometimes the changes are instantaneous. Huge shifts and fundamental rebuilding of the entire fabric can happen as quickly as 20 minutes or a few weeks.
You can learn to be your own herbalist and healer. You can make vibrational flower remedies like the one pictured above using the method of the famed Bach Rescue Remedy that work on a vibrational level to support your emotional health. They are magical and cost next to nothing. Or tonics and tinctures with powerful herbs, roots and berries like the popular Wellness Formula that actually work much better, because they have your own magic and soul medicine infused in them!
There is a lot of training around herbalism, energy healing, breathwork and meditation that is available now, and this can make all the difference in the world! I teach much of this myself, and I can refer you to other reliable sources of high integrity people who are masters and can teach you as well.
Are We To Remain Under Control Forever?
These are just the primary of many systems in which the establishment matrix is using control to keep you in a place of powerlessness, dependence, and subservience.
Why?? Because that is what is most profitable for governments, corporations and all manner of institutions working for the mainstream establishment interests.
Until we learn to pull ourselves out of these systems of control and start living from our heart and soul - creating systems and that are mutually beneficial, collaborative, acknowledging the interdependence of all things and people, we will be subject to the whims of so many energies and interests that are fundamentally opposed to our highest interests.
If you look at the connecting thread between all seven of these systems of control, you will see that they work by blocking your individual connection with yourself and others through mechanisms of conflict, control, and disempowerment. This separation is the cause of most pain and violence, poverty and suffering in the world. The connection with the infinite joy of your Self and Source is your true birth right that has been taken away from you by forces that would have you under their control.
Please allow yourself the requisite outrage at this injustice, and then move out of complacency into action from a place of grounded love and power….
Let’s take back control of the systems and mechanisms that matter the most. Starting today, this minute:
What will you do with this information? Will you take action on it?
I would love to hear. And if this scares you a bit, if this triggers you, if this makes you quake because you are addicted to the systems of control, you are not alone. This is a big undertaking. Huge. True change happens with one foot in front of the other, one step at a time. You matter. It matters. Nothing less than the entire future of humankind depends on it.
In solidarity,
Satya Colombo
Byline: Satya Colombo is a teacher, author and creator who is committed to supporting our highest evolution through sacred technologies of self-reliance and realization. Creator of Wake the Soul Project - a free self-guided course to help you uplevel on all levels of your existence: Learn more and join here for a limited time - free of charge
Online retreat: Lighting Up the Temple of Your Heart
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