The Four Alignments: A Sacred Path to Freedom
Our beloved Taos Mountain - in the neighborhood, New Mexico
There are Four Sacred Alignments to find and live Your Truth. So you can finally have that lasting inner peace, happiness and freedom that you seek — regardless of whatever outer circumstances are affecting you.
Once you have these Four Alignments in place you have essentially Bulletproof Self-Reliance, because you are not trapped by your small-mind ego limitations.
Then you get to co-create with Source...and That is true potential unlimited.
You can FLEX in your emotional, spiritual and life standing. So even if you are knocked down it is just temporary.
You come back like Dragon FIRE every time. This is a huge gift alone — a superpower for sure.
I have been writing about this today and it has lit me up!! You need to have this information so I am laying it out for you. Here, now... Buckle up and get ready for some truth-bomb soul magic!
You can have this and so much more…. I will show you how.
Are you ready?
These are the Four Alignments: (LAVA-RASA - if you know the term Rasa it is Sanskrit for divine nectar)
Locational Alignment
You are in the right physical place for your soul. This is most likely NOT where you are born, or where you end up living, but where you choose to go when you listen to the call of your Spirit. When you land in this place it’s as though everything lines up in your inner state of being. This place supports you like no other place. Here is the foundation for the other three alignments.
When you have this in place it makes everything else flow like water in the Nile River. Your other alignments drop into place like nobody’s business. Your spine starts to flex like a master yogi’s. Burdens that have held you back for a lifetime are lifted. You have so much more ease it is incredible how big this is.
You know when you have locational alignment because the weight of your problems and challenges are hugely reduced.
A potential challenge with this alignment is you may be in the right physical area but the wrong house or living situation. This is usually easy to know because either the people you live with or the surroundings will show you. The house itself even might be so lovely and the right price and all, but maybe the actual physical orientation and situation or history and location of the place is not right.
You need to work this one a bit for it to drop into place but when you know you know!! You will feel it in your bones.
In my experience: Traveling is the best way to find this. There are just a few places in the world I have felt this. Many may be impractical or challenging to move to right now so I started looking in my home country. I also wanted to have a home base here to launch from — that is the most prudent thing and once you have seen the world and lived in other peoples homes for several years I am guessing you will want that too….
My recommendation is to rent or buy an RV if you can swing it, that’s the ultimate in flexibility and home away from home comfort. If you want to go super stealth you can get an upgraded live-in van, or buy one for cheap and do the upgrades yourself. When you find THAT place you will usually know within a matter of days if not hours, but you will need to spend at least 3 weeks to confirm and find whatever resources and people you may need to make the transition!
Vocational Alignment
You are doing the work of your Soul — the calling you were put here for. This is So KEY.
There is nothing more disempowering than being a slave to money at a job you hate. That is like your inner magic wand is run over by a semi and smashed to smithereens in a big dog dookie then sprayed by a skunk and thrown into a bottomless pit of snakes.
You NEED to make the magic you were put here to do. Doing the work of your soul — even if you are NOT paid for it is totally fine, maybe better in some cases! — you simply need to find the way to do that and then spend as much of your waking, sleeping, eating, pooping hours , whatever — just immersing yourself in that and DOING it.
You will then find a new magic wand inside you and it will be brighter and more powerful than ever before. People will be practically bowing at your feet and begging you to help them shine as bright as you do.
One note: In my experience the vocational alignment is one of the trickiest because you are dealing with market forces combined with the simple challenge of monetizing something that is innate perfection. Because money has that ability to take the purity out of work, you have to be super clean and clear in yourself to offer what you are doing without the constant looking at your bottom line or worrying and sharing/marketing from that place.
This may require consistent evaluation and refinement to get this right. I recommend really working with a successful coach who understands you and your industry to really succeed in the ever-changing business world.
Relational Alignment
Whether romantic partnership or friendships. You connect with the people who are perfect for you and the others fall off like moths that just hit a big white hot flame. You surround yourself only with people who support you and raise you up. Together You raise each other up. You believe in each other.
These people are the right people for you at this time. You have similar values and goals to make themselves and the world a better place. They are there for you and have your back. You may not be friends or lovers forever but they will change your life and you will never forget them.
When you disagree it’s OK, you agree to disagree and that is not the end of your connection. But when it’s time to say goodbye, you both are ready and you know.
Inside take: This one is actually one of the easiest to do in practical terms but the hardest on emotional because you may not want to cut ties with some people. But when you start to release the people that are like poison and become stronger in your own self and truth, that is when the people that are truly aligned start to show up. Bottom line: You need to love yourself enough to make those hard choices and let the right ones in.
Spiritual Alignment
This is when in your very heart and soul you are in alignment with yourself. You are finally able to sleep good at night because you are doing what you are here for, and you have mastered your mind and energy.
Your mind is now like a good friend — sometimes it annoys you but you always make up and hug it out in the end.
You are walking in alignment with your truth. You don’t have to prove anything to anyone — you walk your talk and you know it, and that feels good.
In many ways it is hard to be in total spiritual alignment when you don’t have theother three alignments in place. You are out of integrity with yourself if you don’t have the others lined up. It’s like you are cheating on yourself. As a result you may struggle in your own spiritual practice.
People who ARE in Spiritual Alignment will be able to smell out your mis-alignment. They may not want to be in connection with you - whether in relational or vocational terms as a client or partner.
At the same time, when you are in alignment with Source in you, this can be a huge catalyst to burn off the negative energies and blocks that hold you back in the other areas. So this is actually something you can pursue right now and it will launch you into huge inner power reserves you can use to knock out the others one by one.
My experience on this: When you have this spiritual alignment dialed in you have something that no one else has — your will of fire, your charisma, your unique beauty and magic and determination working in collaboration with Source, With your angels, with all the incredible resources you have at your disposal...
Then you have this unstoppable force of Love to get you into full alignment in your life and work.
And then? Fuggehdaboutit — nothing can stop you.
What would you do if you truly had NO fear? What could you create with no limitations?
Once you have these 4 Alignments in place you are a truly unstoppable force.
You have no fear. You will never have to "fake it til you make it” (ugh...puke) or "feel the fear and do it anyway” ever again. Because there is no room for fear when you have full Source power alive and awake in you. Where is the room for fear in this?? The two simply do not exist together.
You open the tsunami of Infinite Love and there is seriously nothing else…
The economy is tanking with possible Bankruptcy pending? No worries mate! Universe got this...
Everyone is going to hate me...? Nope, not possible…and so be it if so that does not affect me.
My husband might leave me? Good riddance then! I am seriously better off on my own if he can't handle this Bigness.
All I’m saying is, this is the ultimate power. You are seriously bulletproof like Neo. You have seen through the Matrix and beyond. Way beyond! You took thePurple pill, and you are miles above it all while still in it and ON it.
Dayum that is some good medicine right there...
Now look: Nobody is perfect. The 4 alignments are like a guidepost for you in your life, a framework in full alignment in your life.
Once you choose to go this route and you these down solid you will be tested, you will be challenged , you will have to make hard decisions about who and what is allowed in your life. Who you are associating with, and where you put your money and your mouth...!
Full alignment requires full integrity. And that is Fierce. You do not get to play at this like some small-stakes poker game and see what you can get away with. This is your life! This is everything.
This is not to say that anyone has their alignments in perfect order for every second of their life. There will always be death and life, yin and yang , dark and light. Everyone is at a different place with their alignments. But in your mind and in your self. In your spirit, in your work, in your relationships, in your home, you will be lined up something fierce. And there is FLOW.
We all think we will have the same preferences tastes and style five years from now. The truth is you don’t know! You have no idea what's ahead or who you will become...! Isn't that exciting??
But first: You've got to Free yourself to Be yourself. (And you can quote me on that! ;)) There really is no other purpose in life than to find who you truly are and live that truth.
The good news is: You get to Be Yourself! No apologies. no Half-assing it. No BS. And you can do this!
There is no bad news and NO limits when you are able to release your limiting beliefs and Own your Magic. And this only happens when you are in Full Sacred Alignment.
Then you simply have full trust and faith to get through any challenge. Your heart light shines so bright it is seriously bright as the sun.... You are lighting up galaxies over here! Nothing can hold you down for long. You rise, you fall, and you rise again more beautiful than before.
Your turn now:
Where are you on point in your Four Alignments?
And where are you totally off and you know it!!
Most important: What are you going to do about it??
Believe me when I say: The best is yet to come!
I Love you. You got this.
I am committed to closely supporting a handful of people who are ready to step through the incredible portal of these coming six months into your your most epically-aligned life. Right now I am opening just three spaces for private mentorship with a 6-month commitment to transform your life on all levels.
If this is you, click here to book a call with me. I will show you how to up-level your life right now, no obligation. Together we will find out if this is the right time for you to make your wildest dreams a reality. And you will come away with a cosmic road map for making that happen.
With my experience having traveled through dozens of countries and through theSouthwest with my partner for 6+ months in an RV to find my home, having personally worked my spiritual healing, inner and vocational alignment hard for two decades — not to mention supporting hundreds of people through theprocess of awakening their own Soul Fire and true calling — I am uniquely positioned to support you in your Sacred Alignments.
The Jupiter-Saturn alignment on the December 22nd Sostice/Equinox is theculmination we will step through this portal and into 2021. I am so excited for this -for all of us!!
2020 is the red herring that gets us all distracted by our supposed challenges while the people who KNOW are taking this opportunity to level up on every dimension. 2020 is the catalyst where we get to change EVERYTHING; but only if we CHOOSE, and then take one step at a time to make it happen.