The One Thing I’ve Been Afraid to Tell You

I have a confession to make.

Even though I’ve been a transformational coach and healer for more than ten years, helping hundreds of sensitive wild souls live their purpose and speak their truth, I have to admit that I’ve still been playing small…and not yet making the impact that I know I’m here to make.

Because I still struggle with rejection sensitivity and staying balanced in the spotlight as a highly sensitive person, I haven’t shared much about my story and why I’m so passionate about my work.

But that changes now! I've joined a challenge and committed to being more visible and sharing more of my story with you, because I know I'm not alone....

SO many people I know and care about struggle with being seen and speaking their truth.

They want to share their stories and wisdom, but their fear and self-doubt keeps them back. And this same blocked energy is exactly what keeps them from thriving in so many other areas of their life and living the life of freedom and purpose they desire....

...because when your self-expression is blocked, your heart closes down too, and when your heart is closed, love is blocked from flowing in and out of your life in so many other ways. It affects your relationships, your finances and productivity at work, AND your health and happiness.

Can you relate to that feeling?

You're not the only one. I know what it’s like to struggle with massive fear and overwhelm around being seen for who you really are and sharing your truth, and to not be able to make consistent progress on the life-changing book you dream of writing.

Because five years ago that struggle consumed my life.

I know what it’s like to wake up at night and agonize about your life and work, because it doesn’t feel aligned with what you truly desire in your heart and soul.

Or to lay down at night worrying about how you’re possibly going to live the life of freedom and purpose you’ve envisioned, when you’re stuck in a hamster wheel of struggling to make ends meet, or doing work that sucks you dry—leaving no time and energy for what you truly desire.

​It got so bad there were times when I seriously contemplated ending it all, just so I wouldn’t have to endure the incredible stress of struggling to support myself and not being able to do what I wanted and share the truth inside my soul....

Looking back now it's clear to see how the trapped energy of my blocked self-expression was at the root of so much of the tension inside me. It was causing tremendous stress, leading to anxiety and depression and so many other challenges I was facing at the time.

I was at one of my lowest points in my life, and I had no idea what to do about it….

That was super painful because writing that book was something I’d promised myself and others that I would do, but I wasn’t able to follow through on the commitment. I was struggling hard....

The problem was that having my heart closed in that way meant I was also cut off from really thriving in my life and work, which made my heart close down more. So I was stuck in a loop, and I had no idea how to get myself out!

Can you relate?

If you were following me back then, you might not have had any idea how badly I was struggling. Even though I put up a good face—at times posting manically on social media to distract myself—I was actually miserable.

So, I know how painful that can be. But I also know what it’s like to be on the other side of this challenge…

​To have the kind of life where I wake up feeling completely at peace with what I’m doing, knowing that I’m fully supported by the universe...I’m writing THE book, I’m doing the work and living the life I came here to live.

At night I go to bed thinking about the amazing people I get to support lucky I am to be able to put all the years of experience around spiritual practice and writing books and healing into coaching others so they can have the big breakthroughs they need too!

​But the best part is knowing that I’m living my purpose: I’m doing what I’m meant to do in this life (and there is so much peace in that when I allow myself to receive it fully and rest in knowing that it's enough.)

You're probably wondering what made this transformation possible, and you might find it hard to believe, but it all came down to one small yet mighty thing:

Finally writing my book.

It was through writing my book that I discovered what I really wanted to do with my life next:

Help others experience the incredible healing and transformation of unleashing their voice and working on their own life-changing book—fulfilling their calling to make a bigger impact.

And yes, there were a million tiny blessings that led to me being able to do this. And a hell of a process to get through it. But they all emerged from my commitment to live my truth and do whatever I could to break out of the hamster wheel and make the change I saw for myself!

This is how the Writing Wild journey was born.

The most beautiful thing is that teaching writing as a spiritual practice brings me more joy and peace and fulfilled abundance than any other vocation I've pursued in my life so far.

AND, I want this kind of life for everyone who’s ready and willing to step up and follow their calling!!

That’s why I do this work. And it’s why I created my signature coaching program, WRITING WILD, so that you too can reclaim your voice, unleash your truth, and ignite your soul. To live the fully-expressed life of freedom, and write the book, you’ve always dreamed of.

Even though there’s a big part of me that feels I’m sharing too much here (like I said before, I recently joined a challenge to support me to be more VISIBLE and share more of my story with you...) my deeper truth is that I care way too much about helping my people get on track to the fully-expressed life of freedom and purpose they desire to let that fear stop me!!

Because I know how painful it can be when you’re stuck in that rut and you don’t know how you’re going to get yourself out.

And, I’ve dedicated myself to helping sensitive wild souls build the spiritual and practical foundations to know who they are and share their story with the world in a bigger way—so they can live the bigger life of freedom and purpose they envision.

​Life is too short to waste time doing anything other than what your soul truly desires!! I’d be honored to support you (or someone you care about).​ Grab a free connection call with me at the link below— or pass this on to someone you love—and let’s get you on the road to creative freedom and fulfillment.

With Love,


WRITING WILD: Reclaim Your Voice, Unleash Your Truth, Ignite Your Soul...